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Gut Condition, Distended Gut Syndrome, Kills Off Cod Larvae, ScienceDaily (May 3, 2010) — Norwegian researchers have found a possible explanation for why the deadly intestinal disease DGS attacks cod larvae. Could producers soon be rid of this bottleneck in cod aquaculture? Read more....
Vitamin Bombs for Baby Fish, ScienceDaily (Jan. 10, 2010) — Scientists at SINTEF have set themselves the goal of exploiting the advantages of a special type of zooplankton on a large scale called Copepods. Read more....
Production Fish Need a Tranquil Start to Avoid Malformation, ScienceDaily (May 5, 2010) — For production fish, a serene start to life raises their chances for normal development. This is the main conclusion of a major research project on malformations in cod and salmon. Read more....
Invasive Comb Jellyfish Pose No Direct Threat to Baltic Cod Eggs and Larvae, Danish Study Finds, ScienceDaily (Feb. 10, 2011) — The direct threat from the killer warty comb jellyfish to the Baltic cod population has been shown not to be so serious after all. Even though the invasive killer jelly feeds constantly, cod eggs seem not to be on the menu. In fact, if they accidentally swallow an egg, they even throw it up again. Read more....
New essential book about Larval Fish Nutrition (Ed. G. Joan Holt). Successful nourishment of fish larvae is essntial to the production of many preferred, high–quality species. Larval Fish Nutrition is the first comprehensive reference dedicated solely to the nutritional aspects of managing larviculture. Chapters include a thorough discussion of digestive capabilities, nutrient requirements, and feeding and weaning strategies to optimize growth and production. Contributed by a team of leading global experts in the field, Larval Fish Nutrition will be a must–have reference to aquculture researchers and professionals. Read more....
A new hope for aquaculture, eco-clean fish farms; In the past few years, demand for fish and seafood products has been growing steadily and environmental organizations such as IUCN have expressed great concern..... Read more....
Researchers Make Discovery On Sea Lice Infestation; US - University of Maine researchers have published a paper in which they demonstrate that the blue mussel can eat larvae of the sea louse, a parasitic pest that has recently made a comeback on fish farms, decimating populations of farmed finfish. Read more....
Lower-animal protein diets prove successful for salmon: Global chinook farming leader the New Zealand King Salmon Company achieved exceptional results giving its fish diets containing only 8 per cent fishmeal. Growth in all trial groups hit the best summer commercial performance: fish doubled in size from 800g to 1,600g. Read more...
Aquakultur Deutschland: Immer mehr Kreislaufanlagen: Die Zahl der Kreislaufanlagen in der deutschen Aquakultur ist 2009 um vier auf zuletzt 34 Betriebe gestiegen. Frau Dr. Birgit Schmidt-Puckhaber, Expertin für Aquakultur bei der Deutschen Landwirtschaftsgesellschaft (DLG), gab aktuell einen Überblick zum Stand der Recirc-Aquakultur hierzulande. Read more...
Hatchery-raised fish less fruitful in the wild: A study has found that in just one generation salmonid traits are selected allowing the fish to survive and thrive in the hatchery environment. However, this compromises the salmon’s ability to spawn in the wild, meaning that hatchery-raised fish may not be able to help increase wild stocks. Read more...
Researchers put farmed fish on vegetarian diet: Researchers say they may have overcome a roadblock in efforts to satisfy the world's growing demand for seafood through fish-farming. While more fish are being farmed, taking pressure off wild stocks, environmentalists and fisheries experts are concerned that expanding current fish-farming methods will not be sustainable for many species...Read more...
Aquaculture Forum Bremerhaven 2012 – 2013: Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft für eine nachhaltige europäische Aquakultur: Aquakulturprodukte haben bereits heute einen hohen Anteil an der Produktion der Weltfischerei. Zukünftig wird Aquakultur bei der Versorgung der Weltbevölkerung immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen. Starkes Wachstum beinhaltet Chancen und Risiken, braucht Ideen und Regularien. Read more...
Fish Grow Best at Same Temperature as Parents: Fish parents can pre-condition their offspring to grow fastest at the temperature they experienced. This pre-conditioning, known as transgenerational plasticity (TGP), occurs whenever environmental cues experienced by either parent prior to fertilisation changes how their offspring respond to the environment. Read more...
Offshore farm complets first harvest of yellowtail: Kampachi Farms has announced the successful final harvest from the "Velella" Research Project raising fish for the first time in US federal waters. This harvest has completed the grow-out cycle of sashimi-grade kampachi fish. Read more...
Shark Fin Soup Health Risk Claims Include Degenerative Brain Diseases: The destruction of sharks for shark fin soup has helped put many wild species of the fish on the road to extinction. Now, new research suggests this costly meal may harm humans, too. Read more...
Why and how to label seafood products? Not an easy matter: Labelling seafood is made necessary on oversupplied markets, such as most European ones, but is by no mean an easy matter. Pascale Baelde and Marie Christine Monfort - two senior seafood industry consultants - launched a practical guide to help the industry find their way and their benefits in using these marketing tools. Read more...
DNA tracing for escaped farmed salmon: Physical marking of farmed salmon and DNA tracing will now be tested as a combined method to find out if a given salmon in the sea or river is an escaped farmed salmon and, if so, which fish farm it comes from. Read more...
Best Aquaculture Practices Program (BAP) Certifies Northern Harvest Salmon Farm: The Global Aquaculture Alliance, the leading standards-setting organization for aquaculture seafood, is pleased to announce the Best Aquaculture Practices certification of Northern Harvest Sea Farms. To promote responsible practices across the aquaculture industry, the Global Aquaculture Alliance coordinates the development of Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification standards for hatcheries, farms, processing facilities and feed mills. Read more...
Farming fish in Israel's deserts: Somebody jotting down ideas for enterprises to pursue in a desert might not hit on the idea of breeding fish. At least not straight away. But in Israel's desiccated Arava valley - 150 metres below sea level, annual rainfall only sometimes hitting 50 millimetres and summer daytime temperatures topping 45°C - they breed fish. Read more...
40 percent of pangasius farming area certified by international standards: Pangasius is the main seafood item of agricultural sector. Besides small-scale fish farmers, in the Mekong River Delta, pangasius farming areas certified by international standards have recently been expanded remarkably. Read more...
Investigation into the sustainability of organic aquaculture of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): Wild stocks of Atlantic cod are low. With fisheries in decline, continued demand for cod has led to a fledgling aquaculture industry and current forecasts call for rapid growth. However, critics blame aquaculture of carnivorous species for further depleting fish stocks and for its wider effects on the marine environment. Read more...
Aquatic Plants cultivation using waste water in Phnom Penh Cambodia: The video shows the cultivation of edible aquatic plants reusing ,recycling and treating urban wastewater in a large sewage fed lake in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. This is a form of aquaculture.... Read more
The role of aquaculture in global food security: With demand for food growing at nearly twice supply in recent years, aquaculture will have a vital role in addressing future global food security concerns....Read more
Best aquaculture practices lessen environmental impact: A best practice certification system will not only promote responsible practices across the aquaculture sector, it will also reduce the environmental impact of the industry...Read more
Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture -- Rio+20 and beyond: A look at how fisheries and aquaculture contributes to global food and nutrition security and how the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries supports the three pillars of sustainable development -- environment, social and economic....Read more
Managing Forage Fish — Recommendations from the Lenfest Task Force: The Lenfest Forage Fish Task Force, a group of thirteen preeminent scientists with expertise in a wide range of disciplines, conducted a comprehensive examination of the science and management of forage fish populations...Read more
Brain foods for back-to-school — and for the rest of life: All experts say that DHA — an omega-3 fatty acid that is found in salmon, mackerel, trout, sardines and other fish, and is important for the repair and maintenance of brain cells — is the most important ingredient for brain health. “Food can affect the brain in minutes,” says neurologist Majid Fotuhi, chairman of the Neurology Institute for Brain Health and Fitness in Baltimore. “You don’t need scientific evidence to know that if you have a doughnut, after a while — it could be minutes or an hour...Read more